Welcome to Our Field!

This is a Dynam F6F-5 Hellcat model repainted to be a British Royal Navy late-WW2 carrier fighter by one of our members. It has a four-foot wingspan, is electric-powered, and made of foam. 

Here's another Hellcat owned by a club member– twice the size, gas-powered, constructed from a balsa kit and covered with Monokote...

SMAC members fly a diverse range of model aircraft– small, large, and in-between! We welcome aircraft hobbyists no matter what your modeling preference or skill level is. 

Are you a hobbyist looking for a place to fly, or wanting to get into flying model aircraft?  Come out to the SMAC field on our scheduled flying days- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00, or Saturdays at 9:00 (when the wind isn't so gusty, though!). We usually have some interesting models in the air, and welcome spectators and hobbyists with a current AMA registration.

Our July monthly meeting is coming up on Tuesday, July 6th at 7:00 PM. 
