Upcoming Club Events

SMAC Folks- clear your calendars for the weekend! The summer is winding down and you have flying events to attend:

FRIDAY AUGUST 12t at 7:00: SMAC presents FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: An evening of food, friends, and fun. There will be dogs and burgers on the grill, of course, but you are welcome to bring a dish of your choosing to add to the culinary fare. Let's fill the flight line!

SATURDAY MORNING at 9:00 AUGUST 13th: Our weekly Saturday morning meet-up at the field. If we haven't seen you yet this summer, charge some batteries, fill up on fuel, and come say hi- we'd like to to see you.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th at 11:00: SMAC is invited to F.A.S.T. Brookville RC Club for a picnic. Brookville has a fabulous field and friendly people- it's sure to be a good time. 
