SMAC Builds Cool Stuff

One of the classic models that most RC hobbyists of a particular vintage consider to be iconic is the Sig Rascal. The Rascal is usually covered with white and transparent blue or red vinyl covering, making for an attractive model. You know- one of those Golden Age models that flew well, looked nifty, but didn't resemble a scale aircraft. When was the last time you saw a Cessna 150 with transparent red vinyl covering?

SMAC member and prolific builder Steve B. shows us what kinds of neat things can be done with a little creativity, historical research, and modeling skill. He transformed a run-of-the-mill Rascal he picked up at a swap meet into a fictional scale model that looks like it flew out of a news reel. Inspired by the Gulf Oil Company Gulfhawk planes of the past, Steve recovered his Rascal following classic Gulf Oil paint schemes and icons, transforming a ho-hum Rascal into a slick, high-wing scale aircraft from the past. 

We are looking forward to seeing this bird at the field. Congrats on an awesome job, Steve!
