September Meeting and Flying

 SMAC's September meeting was held Tuesday evening, Sept 5, at the flying field.  Don't forget the annual picnic which will be this Sunday, Sept 10th beginning at 10:30 AM.  The club is furnishing the meat, buns, condiments and drinks but members are asked to bring a covered dish or dessert to share.

Members are also reminded that beginning in October our meetings will be held at Asbury United Methodist Church, located on Route 41 at the east edge of North Hampton.  Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:30 PM.

A few courageous souls braved the crosswind and angry looking skies to get some flying in:

Donnie H's Valiant

Kurt M's Flying Tiger P-40

Watch out, Kurt - looks like the Japanese sabotaged the runway...

Mike R's Aero Scout catches the sunset
