June Meeting Highlights


Club meetings in the summer are fabulous! We had a freshly-mowed field (thanks Danny), beautiful weather, and friends to fly with. Some of the club business included revision of the by-laws, discussion about field safety protocols, changes to the membership levels, and plans for donating one of the mowers to our neighbor club, the Fairborn Flying Aces. AND...

We also have an astronomy night with the Physical Sciences faculty of Sinclair College coming up on June the 18th. The date may change according to the weather...stay tuned for more info.

One of our new members has a Youtube channel devoted to his hobby, and he has posted video from our Season's Start Spectacular- check it out by clicking HERE.

Lastly, here are a few photos from the evening- enjoy.

Preparations for sailing...inverted?
I just had to post this.
Danny's graceful flying was a perfect match for the evening sky.

Up and away...but maybe not returning in one piece. 
Kurt did a masterful job flying and GREASING the landing.
